Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You Would Have Thought I Was Watching Reggie Bush's College Highlight Film

October 7, 2009

Hey Dad,

Well I must say that this past Conference will never be forgotten. It was truly wonderful to be able to hear the words of the general authorities of the church. My favorite talks will probably come as no surprise. First was of course the beautiful talk by Elder Holland about the Book of Mormon. He once again takes the cake from my point of view. It was as exciting a talk as it was spiritual. I was so into it haha, you would have thought I was watching Reggie Bush's college highlight film. It was also a very humbling feeling to know that I am standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the greatest blood this world has ever known when I testify of the divinity of the Book of Mormon. Second was President Monson's talk on doing good to God's children. I couldn't help but think about the movie "Pay it Forward" and how small and simple things go such a long way. Also I thank you for your good example of paying it forward that you have been in my life, not all young boys have as good of an example of righteous living as I have had throughout my life. Third was Elder Ballard's talk given in the Priesthood session. I thought of our hikes together, our times on the field or out in the front yard. I am looking forward to growing even closer to you through communication face to face. Fourth was President Uchtdorf's message on work and learning. You again are a great example of both those principles. You don't just give a man the fish you teach a man to fish and I appreciate that. My fifth and final talk I'll comment on (I could go on and on all day) is President Monson's on anger. After emails last week Elder Clove and I went to Wal-Mart to do our shopping and while we were in the act of purchasing shredded cheese this woman approached us "Are you Mormons?" she asked, we with smiles replied "Yes." Then she blew her top. She told us we weren't welcome there and that God would curse us for our stance on gay marriage in California and that we were possessed by the devil and all manner of terrible things. Anger very easily could have set in and taken us both under it's wings, and it did inside of me at least, but outside we stayed calm cool and collect. All we replied to her ranting and raving was "God Bless You." she didn't like that one too much and went off again. We finished our shopping then on our way to the car this same woman comes flying at us in her Buick and pert-near hit us, then she flipped us the bird. I couldn't believe this woman. I am so grateful that we have the truth in our lives and are not blinded by the cunning craftiness of men. Hearing Pres. Monson's words on anger was something I needed to hear though after experiencing that. All in all it was such a blessing to have that spiritual edification that conference always brings. I loved it.

I love you dad. I am doing good. The work is good. We are working with two teenaged girls that are children of an active family but have yet to be baptized. They currently attend a Lutheran church and are at a rebellious stage in life but I am confident that with the Spirit all things are possible. We are also working with a woman named Angelica who works as a nurse downtown. She sees a lot of things that make one wonder about life after this and has been reading the Book of Mormon. Things are looking up.

With the flu season upon us we have been told by the Brethren to not shake any hands or give hugs to anyone, this will be the hardest thing I have been asked to do yet ha. That's what we do as missionaries ya know? It has a wise purpose though I know.

Elder Jarman

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