Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moroni 8:2

October 21, 2009

Hey Dad,

I most definitely am loving the people here and this great work. In my last zone conference I was able to just be a spectator but felt prompted to bear testimony of this great work we are about and the importance of family. It was a conference focused on using the Book of Mormon in our teaching and when the time came they asked us what some of our favorite scriptures were. I again felt prompted to share something. I read Moroni 8:2 chapter 8 of course is where Mormon writes to his son Moroni about infant baptism and what an abomination it is in the sight of God but what he says in verse 2 really struck me. I bore testimony about the love that you have always shown me and the support you have been to me since my day of birth. It was a really good zone conference for me to reflect on a lot of the good in my life, my family being the greater of those goods.

The 9 year old that I interviewed this past week was indeed baptized! We had 5 baptisms in the zone on Saturday and have 4 scheduled for this weekend! Also I was able to baptize Scarlett Wallace this weekend. It was the first time since Emma that I was the actual baptist so I was a little nervous but it went really well. Fellowship is really the deciding factor, not just in getting someone baptized but in getting someone converted to the restored gospel and wanting to endure faithfully to the end.

Provo had better win. Tell Saia good luck!

To stay in shape Elder Clove and I have been trying to run at least 1 mile every night but due to having to collect information from missionaries or appointments running late we don't always get to. I am looking forward to really hunkering down and getting back to where I want to be physically when I get home. Being in a car my whole mission and eating this incredible Texas food has not been too kind to me.

In other news... we are getting a new Stake Presidency this weekend at Stake Conference here in the Houston East Stake so we had our last SMP meeting with President Smith last night. It will be interesting to see who the Lord has called. Also I believe they are making an entirely new stake but I am not quite sure about that yet.

Elder Jarman

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