Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Conference Weekend

September 30, 2009

Dear Mom,

I can't believe it's been a dozen years since Olivia was born. What a blessing she is. I know that she is always watching over us and that knowledge helps me to keep on the straight and narrow. The gospel is true I can second that.

I just cannot wait to meet this little Elle y'all have been talking about. I love knowing that I'll be able to meet her soon. She's 7 months old now right?

I still have a cough yeah, and my voice is cracking a lot lately it's terrible. It's like I'm going through puberty all over again. I think it's the air of Pasadena. They say there's more carcinogens on the ground here than anywhere in the USA and possibly the world, comforting I know. At least it's not Chernobyl right?

Conference weekend! I am so so so excited! It's more anticipated than Christmas now. I just love the spirit of the whole weekend. I like going into it with questions, they always get answered. Hopefully we will have a couple investigators with us at the church watching.

All is well. This past week was just what I needed. I have been feeling the weight of the mission pressing down on me lately but this past week just gave me a lot of needed strength. We have a new investigator who is preparing for baptism on Halloween. His name is John and he's really rough and tough on the outside but inside he's such a good guy. He use to be in a motorcycle gang called the banditos and so his past is pretty crazy. He's met with missionaries before and so we have a lot of hopes for him. I love you mom, and hope all is well.

Elder Jarman

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