Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jesus Christ Wants Nothing More Than For Us To Have Eternal Happiness

You are very welcome for the birthday letter. I am glad that you got it in time for your big day. Elder Fairbourn is doing great! He is an incredible young missionary with so much potential. The ropes are indeed still being taught but the information he is retaining is incredible. I am very excited to continue our work together. One thing I have done is tried to make him feel an equal with me. I feel that as I do this the unity of our companionship will be strengthened. He is very receptive to constructive criticism and loves to learn. Yesterday we had the opportunity to attend the temple and what an amazing experience it was. I love the temple and am so grateful for all those times I was able go with Grandpa Jarman. Each time I go I read 3John: 4 while waiting to go to a session, thanks to Grandpa Jarman. I have read and pondered and prayed about John 17 a lot this past week and to be honest I keep being led to a 17th chapter in a different book, that is 3 Nephi. I felt feelings of humility and love while reading both chapters however, and how could one not? To know that the Savior of the world said those words about anyone is awe inspiring. He is praying in our behalf and so that we could be glorified. I absolutely love John 17:13 and how he asks that their joy may be as his. Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for us to have eternal happiness. He did everything for us to obtain such a gift, literally. The atonement of Jesus Christ is the most heroic and selfless act the worlds have ever known. I love in 3 Nephi 17 when Jesus, a now resurrected being, in a language that cannot even be written, prays for the people. I especially loved reading that our Saviors joy was full because of such people. I want to be one of those people. That's my life's goal and mission. Good luck with your talk! I hope something of what I said helped in one way or another.
I love you!Elder Jarman

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