Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Don't Want To Give Crappy Emails

Hey mamamamamamama,
What's goin' on?! Do I have any requests... Ummm really I don't know anything I would need. I can't believe it's almost my birthday already... weird. I guess I'll get back to you on it? If I don't, don't feel obligated to get me anything. So Louisa did just as I thought she would! I loved hearing about her talk experience and what a good talk subject she chose. thank you for the compliments you always give me mom. They mean a lot. That's something you always did for me growing up was compliment me, even on small things, and laughed at me, I loved that. Thank you so much. What are some things that I can do better on my emails? I feel like I just answer questions so when I don't get asked stuff I give bland emails. I don't want to give crappy emails. I love you. Love Elder Jarman

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